Nature Happenings

  • Loons begin their southern migration in large groups.
  • Kildeer begin their southern migration from BC.
  • Departing migratory birds include Virginia Rail, Caspian Tern, Vaux's Swift, Rufuous Hummingbird, flycatchers, Western Wood-Pewee, Purple Martin, Tree Swallow, Swainson’s Thrush, Common Yellowthroat and Western Tanager.
  • Golden-crowned Sparrows and Ruby-crowned Kinglets arrive.
  • Dark-eyed Juncos (Oregon form) become more common on the ground beneath feeders.
  • White-crowned and Golden-crowned Sparrows are seen on the ground beneath feeders as they migrate.
  • Quaking Aspen leaves begin to yellow and drop.
  • Mule Deer are shedding the velvet from their antlers.
  • Bucks and bulls polishing their antlers; look for deer and elk rubs.
  • Bats are busy feeding, building fat for hibernation and migration.
  • Fall migration peaks for warblers and others.
  • Bears are feeding in preparation for hibernation.
  • Most Rufous hummingbirds depart by the end of September.  Leave feeders up for migrants passing through from Alaska to their winter homes in Mexico and for Anna's hummers who stay all winter.
  • Start switching feeders to high-fat, winter foods.